She wuz from Flatbush
I wuz from East New Yawk
I assed her out
She dint want no part of me
When I told her
We would take da subway
She said she was ust to
Big cahs
And what kind of goil
Did I think she wuz?
She was too classy
To ride da subway
On a date
Speshially wid a boy
From East New Yawk
I tole her I wood get me
Fadda’s cah
It was a big ass
’59 Chevy Belair
We could ketch a flick
Den watch da sumarine races
At Marine Pahkway
She tole me she wuz pahticula
About da movies she would see
She dint like vilense
She liked comedies
And lovey dovy movies
But da best part a her poisonality
Wuz she loved sumarine races
We spent 2 hours in da movies
Watching Troy Donahue and
Sandra Dee in some stupid
Lovey dovy flick
Den we went to Marine Pahkway and
Watched da sumarine races for tree hours
Until the cops chased us away
Da next tree weekends
We saw a lovey dovy flick
Den we went to da sumarine races
Each week we would leave the flick
A liddle earliah and head down
To Marine Pahkway
For da sumarine races
Dat way we had more time
To watch da submarines
I never met a goil
Who loved da submarines
As much as she did
After da fith date
She invited me into her home
To meet her famly
All ovah her house
Dere wuz ships in boddles
And her faddah was standin dere
In his navy uniform
No wonder she loved
Sumarine races