They told me I was on a grief journey
That’s what everyone who loses someone is told
But they didn’t really know me
And I didn’t know myself
I believed them
Because I didn’t know better
Yes, I grieve
But I am not on a new and separate journey
It took me nine months to realize where I am
I never thought of my life with Kat as a journey
If anything, it was an adventure, as she said many times
But it is also a journey
My thoughts
My feelings
Even my grief
Is a continuation of the journey
Kat and I started 49 years ago
The journey continues
Grief is now a part of that journey
Sometimes accompanied by tears
But grief is only one element
There are wonderful memories
There is great admiration
There is reflection
There is the realization that only hindsight can bring you
There is deep love that goes both ways
There is even communication not previously imaginable
That journey will continue on this earth
As long as I am alive
When I am gone from this earth
We will be together as the journey continues
As we begin a new adventure.