Kat’s Book: The First Month Of Marriage

Kat and I decided to have a New Years Eve party at our apartment.  We invited my cousin, Steve Jacobs,  Kat’s co-worker at DSS, Lydia Resnanski, my childhood friend Dennis Roth and our friend Terry Graham who was home for the Christmas holidays from the University of Arizona.  After we got married we sent Terry a letter that we signed Kathy and Bob Jacobs.  Terry told us that she looked at the signature for a minute then screamed in joy when she realized we had gotten married.  Dennis brought his older brother Steven, who I had not seen in several years.  Steven had been my best friend from the ages of 12-18.  After 18 we drifted apart but Steven was very much responsible for introducing me to  a range of entertainment that I would enjoy for the rest of my life.  While hanging out with Steven I developed an interest in just about every sport played on American soil.  Steven also got me interested  in reading Sherlock Holmes, mystery novels and western novels.  I have maintained these interests until this day and I am forever grateful to him.  Apart from the brothers, Steven and Dennis, none of our guests knew each other so I don’t know how much co-mingling went on.  It may not have been the greatest party but you couldn’t tell by looking at Kat and I.  Being in the same room was enough for us.

New Years Eve ended 1968, the best year of Kat’s life and my life.  I wish my life was like the movie Groundhog Day and I could repeat the months of November and December 1968 over and over again.

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